
Rustic elegance, Sardinian roots Unprecedented Tradition

La Ciminea Restaurant, Arzachena, Gallura

La Ciminea Restaurant, Arzachena, Gallura

La Ciminea

Authentic Sardinia

In the Gallura dialect, Ciminea means fireplace and represents the essence of our restaurant in Arzachena. Elegant and cozy, it offers Sardinian cuisine with ancient roots, capable of bringing back familiar memories and flavors.

Let your eyes roam from the azure of the swimming pool to the green woods carpeting the mountains, while you breathe in the authentic nature of Gallura. 

The warm atmosphere of the fireplace
A view of the pool and of Sardinian nature
Enjoy lunch surrounded by authentic Gallura

Traditions of Sardinia

A cuisine of memories

The menu of La Ciminea recovers ancient recipes of Sardinian families, highlighting traditional ingredients with modern cooking methods and unprecedented combinations.

Wild herbs, roots and ancient berries meet delicious meats, fresh fish, locally sourced vegetables, and cheeses from small local producers. 

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Rare and precious wines

900 labels

The traditional Sardinian cuisine of La Ciminea naturally matches the 900 labels of our winery, ranging from Sardinia to Tuscany and Piedmont, all the way to France. An excellent selection of champagnes keeps company to rare and precious bottles. Each wine is available from different years.


Minimalist and natural cuisine

Chef Gianfranco Mameli

The kitchen of La Ciminea is directed by Chef Gianfranco Mameli, an aficionado of local ingredients and connoisseur of the most modern cooking techniques. 

Precious experiences shared with talented chefs such as Masayuki Kondo at Locanda del Pilone, in Alba, and Michelangelo Mammoliti at La Madernassa, molded his philosophy in the kitchen. His collaboration with Fabio Barozzi, whom he worked with in the kitchen of Opificio Cucina e Bottega, in Novara, for almost 4 years, was crucial. 

After his training in the most prestigious Piedmont kitchens, Chef Mameli is now back to the Sardinia of his origins with a plan of making the most of forgotten recipes and ingredients. 

His cuisine is minimalist and natural, focused on giving back the proper value to the fruits of Sardinian lands, often coming from a poor tradition.

In his dishes you will find the warmth of family recipes, capable of bringing back to life the scents of home and of reawakening intimate memories.

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Immersed in the nature of Arzachena

La Ciminea Restaurant is located within the Stazzo Lu Ciaccaru Resort in Arzachena, surrounded by a very pleasant garden with centuries-old olive trees. 


Social Soul

Località Lu Ciaccaru
(Strada Arzachena / S. Antonio di Gallura),
07021 - Arzachena (OT) Sardegna - Italia
Contact us
+39 335 79 89 844
Opening hours
Open from April to November
Lunch from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Dinner from 7:30 p.m. to 10.30. p.m.
VAT number 01973400904
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